Marge Cuddeback - Psychic
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[John of God]Journey To Brazil To Meet
John Of God (Joao De Deus)
"The Miracle Man"
With Marge Cuddeback

Next Trip:
August 5-16, 2019

Photos from Marge's previous John of God trips

Joao De Deus, who is commonly referred to as "John of God," is the most powerful healer alive today! People come to his healing center in Abadiania in central Brazil (about an hour and a half drive from Brasilia, the capital of Brazil) from around the world to experience the miracle healings that happen there. Abadiania is built on a crystal bed, which amplifies the healing energy. Joao provides free treatment in his center, known as Casa de Dom Inacio. The Casa is open three days each week: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The medium, Joao, allows designated spirit entities to work through him (St. Ignatius Loyola being one of the main ones) to do visible and invisible operations, cures and treatments of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Many who flock to Joao have run out of medical options. At the Casa, there is a whole room full of discarded wheelchairs, walkers and canes.

Most will feel profoundly changed by this experience. All "cures" are not instantaneous. The majority takes time to affect a cure. As with orthodox medicine, there can be no guarantee. But the majority of people, depending on the gravity of their illness, respond favorably with time.

It is advisable to stay at Abadiania for two weeks.

In the late 1990s, I went to the casa for a two week stay. I intuitively knew before going that I was to take groups back there to facilitate their healing process. I had my "invisible" surgery the second day after arriving. My hyatal hernia that I've had for over 20 years, and which acted up on a daily basis, and my lactose intolerance, that I've had for over 40 years, were both healed.

One man, who now works at the Casa since his healing, had hundreds of bricks fall on his legs. The medical field told him that he would never walk again, and that they could do nothing about his excruciating pain. He now runs every day and has no pain whatsoever.

One lady I met had cancer metastasized onto her breastbone 15 years ago. Her medical doctors told her if she didn't have treatment immediately, she would die in a short period of time. She opted not to have treatment, and went to John of God. I met her on her second visit to the Casa. She feels great.

Another lady in her 30s was told she had a rapidly progressive type of multiple sclerosis. She walked laboriously with a walker. Her first trip to Casa de Dom Inacio, she got rid of the walker and could walk relatively well with a cane. Her second trip to the Casa, when she went before John of God, the entity threw away her cane. I met her on her third trip to the Casa. She has a definite limp, but was able to walk on rocky trails around the Casa.

Another lady saw the "sparkles of light" in her room two different nights (spirits) and she felt them working on her for hours. She felt her nose being "probed" (which is one way the spirits "operate" on a physical body).

I saw incisions with stitches on people, as if they had had a physical surgery. These incisions and stitches would totally dissapear in a few hours, and they felt better.

One lady from Australia, who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, had lost complete control of her hands. While in Abadiania, she gained total control of her hands once again.

One man, almost totally blind, had a "visible" operation with Joao. He can now read and drive his car.

This was the most inspiring experience of my life. There is so much "love" energy in Abadiania with all the prayers and meditation going on constantly, and everyone wanting healing for themselves and others. The trip to John of God initiated changes that are greatly affecting many of our lives.

I invite you to join me on this healing, transformational, spiritual journey.

For basic infomation on the Casa please go to:

Photos from Marge's previous John of God trips

John of God photo

Marge Cuddeback at John of God

John of God photo

John of God photo

Marge Cuddeback

John of God - food served

John of God photo

John of God photo

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